Life Dan Bilzerian

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Life Dan Bilzerian

Finished writing my autobiography, $5,000 to the best book title in the comments

Dan Bilzerian Life Video

— Dan Bilzerian (@DanBilzerian) June 8, 2020

What a picture, what a life. Dan Bilzerian, aka Mr. Polarizing. Hero to some, villain to most. Now we can read his entire story—all 48 pages of it—if we buy his autobiography. Title pending. Here are a few options:

Dan Bilzerian ‘Karen Baits’ Internet With Blatant Drug & Steroid Admission “Just finished the 25th edit of my book and I’m finally done. Can’t wait to eat some mushrooms and get back on. American reality TV star Kaitlyn Isham attended an invite-only party held at Instagram playboy Dan Bilzerian's $100million Bel-Air estate last week. And the former Seven Year Switch star, 29. Dan Bilzerian ‘Karen Baits’ Internet With Blatant Drug & Steroid Admission “Just finished the 25th edit of my book and I’m finally done. Can’t wait to eat some mushrooms and get back on.

“My only friends are the girls that use me for my money. They let me put my penis in them so that’s pretty cool… I am a successful trust fund baby with a lot of horny men followers.” I just wrote your entire book for free. But if you want to give me $5000 I’ll accept it.

  • 10979 Chalon Road in Los Angeles, the now-former home of internet celebrity Dan Bilzerian. Courtesy/Don Bolin. Up until recently, Bilzerian at least occasionally occupied the ridgetop complex.
  • Bio: Dan Bilzerian (born Dan Brandon Bilzerian on December 7, 1980 in Tampa, Florida) is an American professional poker player and social media personality.

— Daniel Jeffrey (@DanJeffrey23) June 8, 2020

Love your kids so they don't end up like me: The Tale of Dan Bilzerian

— Ivica Milarić (@filmzadanas) June 8, 2020

How to waste money and enjoy yourself

— Gareth D (@gazdicko1) June 8, 2020

Hate hate hate hate hate!

If you’ve ever wondered what motivates trolls to shit on the success of those above them, look no further than Dan’s subtweets. I selected a couple of the most-liked title suggestions for our breakdown.

First, @danjeffrey23. What’s he up to?

Quarantine Day #9 … Who needs movies or people anymore when you can just act them out by yourself… I’m losing it… @GhostPanther ( I hope you see this and don’t shit on it too hard … thank god for your movies during this shitty time in history.)

— Daniel Jeffrey (@DanJeffrey23) March 25, 2020

Recreating scenes from Step Brothers. Every word. Shooting and editing this, not to mention memorizing the lines, took at least a day. Maybe 2. Probably 2. And for what?

35 views. 36 followers.

Life Of Dan Bilzerian

I didn’t even know twitter accounts went that low. I thought you started with at least 100, like opening a Fanduel account. Nope, Dan Jeffrey (never trust a man with two first names) is out here on Twitter for two reasons: to recreate movie scenes for small amounts of people and to shit on Dan Bilzerian. Sweet life, Dan Jeff. You’re a bum.


Ivica Milarić. Who’s he, and what’s he doing these days?

Like Dan, I also have a beard and I also wrote a book! Unlike Dan, I don't need any help with the title, but feel free to check it out on Amazon!😀

— Ivica Milarić (@filmzadanas) June 8, 2020

Ah, using his moderately-engaged troll tweet as a springboard to promote his own book. Fantastic. If you had any doubt as to whether Ivica was jealous of Dan B., let those questions rest. He’s an author himself! Only his book, the groundbreaking Using Psychology to Stop Procrastinating, provides a welcome distraction for those who struggle to get down to work. If you were hoping for another reason not to do anything with your day, give this 29-page barnburner a try.

There has been a disturbing trend of late, where people try to rip down the great faces of our society. I’m sick and tired of these little locusts beating their pathetic wings and screeching for relevancy through the destruction of idols. Whatever happened to trying to rise through merit? Must we relegate our nation’s greatest achievers to smaller status, so that we feel less inferior by contrast? Must we try to bring the legends down to our pathetic, bottom-feeding level?

I will continue to fight the fight on behalf of the heroes. And make no mistake: Dan Bilzerian is a hero. Or he tries to be, at least.

Remember that time Dan Bilzerian ran up to cops during the Las Vegas massacre and demanded they give him a gun and they told him to eat shit lol

— 🌹 CEO of Antifa 🌹 (@froggneal) June 8, 2020

Life story of dan bilzerian

And that’s more than we can say for all the Ivica Milarićs and Dan Jeffs of the world.

PS- That girl looks dehydrated. Not body shaming, just concerned. Nobody wants a headache right now.

Hot chicks, luxury, celebrity parties! Who wouldn’t want to have that type of life? Being worshipped by women, adorned by fans and envied by millions. Sounds too good to be true? Sounds impossible?

I’m Matt Artisan, and this is how to have a lifestyle like Dan Bilzerian!

Now, when I’m talking about having the Dan Bilzerian lifestyle, I’m talking about luxury and big breasted models!

I just want to make sure we are on the same page here. If you just want to fire some heavy artillery …. Then I recommend you join the military.

Here are 5 ways you can achieve a similar lifestyle:

#1: Make lots and lots of money

Buy a mansion and a yacht and throw huge celebrity parties with beautiful IG models.Sounds easy enough, right? If you want to take that route you, better get off of your couch and start working on your million dollar idea.

Actually, Dan Bilzerian has a net worth of about 150 million; so you’ll need a 150 million dollar idea. OR you could just be a trust fund kid who wins a lot of high stakes poker games. You can do it!

#2: Move to a 3rd world country.

You don’t need to be a millionaire you just need an above average net worth. I suggest South East Asia, South America, Eastern Europe, or the Middle East. Actually, let’s leave out the middle east – I don’t want you to get your hand chopped off….although they might be more into the whole harem lifestyle.

In many 3rd world countries, you can get a nice apartment in a good area for around $500 USD a month, but who are we kidding? We need something baller!

I recommend spending around 3k per month for your ultimate bachelor’s pad. For some, this may seem excessive but compared to a 20k per month penthouse in Manhattan it’s actually pretty reasonable. Make sure to pick a country with beautiful girls that are your specific type. where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. These women are less likely to be accustomed to guys with so much status and wealth, which will make creating your harem a piece of cake.

#3: Make friends with celebrities, millionaires and high-status people in your own city.

Start building your lifestyle.The easiest way is to frequent the hottest club in your city. Make sure to get there early so you can meet and befriend the bouncers, managers, and owner and schmooze with them, so they eventually let you into the VIP area. This will take some time, and you will need some sort of value so that the high rollers in the VIP area will want you to be a part of their group. By value, I mean making them feel good.

Maybe you make them laugh, or you are just a really cool guy and an amazing conversationalist. Or if you have taken one of our boot camps *wink-wink* then you should be awesome with the ladies, and you can bring them girls.

I charge a lot for my coaching, and I’ve had many ridiculously rich clients. Trust me, it might seem strange, but lots of high-status guys are not happy with their dating and sex lives. And even the ones that do have lots of hot girls, they are not gonna mind if you introduce them to more hot girls.

Now that you are in with the playboys in your city they will invite you to their mansion and yacht parties, and you’ll meet their circle of friends and tons of beautiful girls. And you can bring girls that you meet for their events as well. This isn’t as good as owning your own mansion, yacht, and private jet but it’s the next best thing.

#4 Have a fun moderate lifestyle.

Now I know this isn’t exactly living up to the expectations of the Dan Bilzerian life, but you can still have a pretty fun awesome lifestyle just being a normal guy.

Try traveling the world! There is so much to see and do, and you’ll meet plenty of girls while you travel. I was a full-time traveler and digital nomad for 4 years, and it’s a lot cheaper than most realize.

Or you can stay in your own city and just go out and meet all the regulars. Be the life of the party. Get to know the owners of your local bars, restaurants, and clubs. All you have to do is ask to speak to the owner and tell him what a great place he has. Flattery will get you far, and pretty soon you’ll be somewhat of a hotshot in your town, and you’ll have an awesome social circle.

#5. And your fifth options is to stop giving a sh*t about luxury and sleeping with 10 girls at a time.

I mean really, grow up and figure out what’s really important in life…

…..WAIT.…what am I saying, 10 girls?? that sounds awesome!!…who am I kidding?

Living like Dan Bilzerian is every guy’s dream!


Now if you just want to be better with women, we created a “Free Escalation Cheat Sheet” that lists out some of our best ways to spark sensual tension, turn a girl on, and escalate the relationship to the next level.

It’s filled with Advanced Escalation Techniques that will help you turn a platonic – friendly interaction, into a more sensual – “I want to rip your clothes off” vibe.

This is very useful when you’re talking to a girl but it’s going nowhere.

Download the Escalation Cheat Sheet for more on what to say to take things to the next level!

And if you want us to show you how to meet women personally, click here to check out the live Bootcamp Schedule.

I’m out! Cheers!

Intl. Dating Coach & Founder @ The Attractive Man LLC
Matt Artisan is considered one of the World’s Top Dating & Attraction Coaches.
For the last 5 years Matt has personally conducted Live Trainings and Workshops in over 36 countries, helping thousands of men all of the world build confidence and succeed with women.
He has been interviewed by ABC and featured on MTV.